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Thomas More Society
exclusive nationwide briefinG

Turning the Tide for LIFE

From Defense to Offense in Post-Roe America

Join Thomas More Society's elite legal team for an exclusive, hard-hitting briefing revealing groundbreaking strategies to shield pregnancy centers from legal assault, expose Biden-Harris DOJ overreach &
 launch a counteroffensive in the fight for life.

During this Exclusive Briefing,
You’ll Discover:
 →   The shocking truth behind recent attacks on pregnancy centers and the game-changing counter-strategy that’s left pro-abortion AGs scrambling
 →   How exposing the misuse of an 1871 law could be the linchpin in dismantling the Biden/Harris DOJ’s relentless campaign against peaceful pro-lifers
→   The surprising weakness in the FACE Act that could turn the tables on its enforcers (they’re desperate to keep this under wraps)
→   The abortion industry’s worst nightmare: inside the “legal firewall” being built to protect life-affirming ministries nationwide
→   The untold stories of pro-life heroes facing decade-long prison sentences... and how you can help set them free
→   Why attacks on pregnancy centers threaten ALL Americans’ constitutional  rightsnot just pro-lifers
→   The groundbreaking legal strategy that’s turning the tables on Big Abortion    and taking the fight directly to their doorstep



Your Expert Presenters:
Peter Breen

Peter Breen

Executive Vice President and Head of Litigation, Thomas More Society

Steve Crampton

Steve Crampton

Senior Counsel, Thomas More Society

David Bereit

David Bereit

Founder and former CEO of 40 Days for Life